Latest news Flexible contribution rates for recruits and constabulary members
Sworn staff will soon have the option of reducing standard member contributions from 7.5% of salary to 5%, 3% or 0%. Deductions will continue to be made from your pay at the default rate of 7.5% unless you make a change. You will be able to reduce your contributions for a short period if you need to and then change them back again. You will also continue to have the option of making additional voluntary contributions between 1% and 10% of salary (in 0.5% increments). These flexible member contribution rates mean you can effectively choose any rate between 0% and 17.5% of salary. Whichever rate or combination of rates you choose, Police will continue to contribute 15.2% of salary on your behalf (less tax – see New thresholds for tax on employer contributions).
You will be able to change standard and voluntary member contributions via the Police payroll system from Monday 28 April. We’ll be in touch before then with details of how to change your contributions.
Free PSS financial advice
Remember as a PSS member, you are able to receive financial advice from a Mercer Financial Adviser. Get in touch if you need advice around your options. To arrange a time to talk with Mercer simply complete a call-back request form. There is no individual charge to you for this service.
How the changes affect leave without pay entitlements
As you know, you’re eligible for employer contributions while on parental leave and some other kinds of leave without pay. You just need to pay the member contributions you’ve missed. Catch-up contributions will still need to be made at a rate of 7.5% of salary – not the rate you’ve chosen for your standard contributions.