Home Contributions Contributions / Moni whakaputu Overview A brief introduction to member and employer contributions, including an explanation of how total remuneration is calculated based on your employment agreement. Constabulary & recruits Membership is compulsory for recruits and constabulary employees. Police employees Membership is voluntary if you are a Police employee (this includes authorised officers). This page explains your options. KiwiSaver You can belong to KiwiSaver as well as PSS. This page answers questions we’re often asked by members about KiwiSaver. Transfer benefits in We can accept transfers from some superannuation schemes. However, this excludes KiwiSaver schemes, complying superannuation funds, UK pension funds and Australian superannuation schemes. Leave without pay You’re eligible for employer contributions while on parental leave and some other kinds of leave without pay. You just need to pay the member contributions you’ve missed. Changing membership category If you take up a new role within Police, it could mean a change in membership category. This page explains your options. Making other changes Information about changing investment option(s) and starting or changing voluntary contributions, plus the rules around leaving the scheme while in service and pausing contributions.